BIMplement is a 30 month-long EU funded project involving 10 partners from 5 different countries: France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Spain and Poland which started in September 2017. The overall objective is to achieve an improved quality for nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) construction and renovation by using BIM as a universal information carrier and enabler of the learning process within projects and between projects.

BIMplement will set large scale training, Continuous Professional Development and BIM-enhanced qualification schemes, addressing the entire value chain in a cross-trades and cross-level multidisciplinary approach, strengthened with hands-on and BIM enhanced workplace learning tools. These qualification schemes will be applied in two different topics: building ventilation and airtightness and will be tested in BIM-learning centres and implemented in 50 experimental building sites.



BIMplement is condensed in the following four specific qualitative objectives:

To improve the overall quality of the entire construction and renovation process, from pre-design till operation and maintenance phase

  • Developing a methodology to map qualities and skills to improve quality using BIM as information carrier
  • Implementing the approach for two selected topics on NZEB
  • Bridging the performance gap by using a BIM enhanced workplace learning
  • Connecting with lessons learned in recent IEE and H2020 projects

To create a new generation of professionals and craftsmen, qualified to deliver high quality nZEB-projects: Using BIM-enabled workplace learning to create a large number of professionals and craftsmen, on different profession levels, needed in the entire process and equipped with the right skills for the process phases in which they are involved. BIM will support this as information carrier

To foster interactions between different trades and professions

  • Qualification methodology that integrates technological, cross-trade and BIM related skills and competences
  • Implemented in a Model nZEB Cross-trade Quality and BIM-Skills Matrix
  • Developing a BIMplement guide

To sustain the qualification and training schemes a replication and exploitation strategy will be developed and validated

  • Making use of the BIM-learning Centres or Field labs
  • Developing of a self-instruction BIMplement guide (further exploited and promoted by using the PROF/TRAC open training platform)
  • Connecting with suppliers and supplier interest groups through EU networks

BIMplement will offer a methodology to create and standardize the needed qualifications and a range of learning tools to unlock and implement them. To be future-ready subject specific specific qualifications will be enriched with the skills and competences needed when performing the job in nZEB project that is using BIM. By using a standardized methodology, the created qualifications will be transparent and comparable between EU member states, thus facilitating and providing EU mobility.


Qualification methodology

  • Systematic standardized approach needed that is enough robust and flexible for national adaptation
  • Take advantage of existing classification schemes (based on ISO 81346)
  • Added BIMplement taxonomies in order to have a common language

 Knowledge repository and education tools

  • Different quality in different member states -> needed assessment of the current state;
  • Filling in the developed QF with the suitable education material, training and tools applicable for particular member state;
  • Improve/educate weak links in nZEB chain.

BIM as medium

  • BIM as communication exchange medium and information carrier;
  • BIM as integrated building process management;
  • Data shared among different project phases and different disciplines (blue and white collar workers).

BIMplement engages new and challenging opportunities now to make a major step forward in the implementation of these qualifications.  BIM offer the opportunity to implement results in a BIM-enabled workplace learning environment. This should be done in a cross-cutting process that is:

  • Cross-Trade: with a multidisciplinary approach throughout the entire value chain of the buildings sector.
  • Cross-EQF-level: addressing both blue collar workers, middle and senior level professionals.
  • Cross-Time: by setting up a flexible qualification methodology so that new innovations and uses of technologies can be addressed.
  • Cross-Country: by setting up a mutual recognition scheme of qualifications among different Member States, but by leaving room for Member States specific roles and uses of technology
  • Cross-Value: by improved appreciation of the end user’s needs including the quality of indoor environment in an improved operation and maintenance by closing the learning loop using BIM as information carrier.
  • Cross-size: from SME to Enterprise, based on regional of local experience centres or BIM-Hubs.
  • Cross-Project: by using BIM as a learning environment, to facilitate and enable the learning flow.


Author: Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE), 15 May 2018

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