Alliance Villes Emploi is a not-for-profit national French organisation. Its members are Local Authorities involved in employment, training, and inclusion policies. Most of these Local Authorities manage Employment Houses (Maisons de l’Emploi), which have for main function to develop with the local stakeholders shared local strategies (from diagnosis to action plan), with the objective of anticipating skills and employment challenges of environmental transitions in the main sectors concerned (building, transport, marine energies …).
Contact person: Marie-Pierre Establie d’Argencé mpestablie@ville-emploi.asso.fr
ASTUS Construction (Assembling, Technic & Using) is a platform, which aims to gather the building efficiency stakeholders and those who promote industrial innovation, serving building field customers such as architects, constructor, operators, public and private customers, engineering companies and users. ASTUS Construction is a member of the French Innovative Building Platforms group ( a prospective organization working for the French Sustainable development Ministry) and has been supported by the local Nord Isère territory and the Rhone Alpes Area as a major structuring project for economic activities in green Building and sustainable development. We get our technical and human resources from founder members coming from academic research, design & architecture research, public institution and private industrial partners. Our platform is based in a major territory gathering a couple of international and major research activities in Building Energy Efficiency and innovative solar renewable energy. Such an ecosystem is leading by a few major companies, which are engaged in supporting innovation and development for local start’ups, SMEs ecosystem. More than 800 companies are gathered in three main clusters: Pôle Innovation Constructive (Building Innovation Pole), Cluster Rhône Alpes EcoEnergies, VAD (City and Sustainable Development) This economic ecosystem is supported by a rich academic and research network including engineer and architectural university, technical school and BIM and energy efficiency laboratory. All are members of Astus Construction and contribute in developing the physical platform and supporting all the projects and activities. Astus Construction is the main project of Sustainable Building Rhone Alpes Project. This project is leaded by the Northern Territory which has been awarded in 2013 as a recently approved “positive energy territory”(TEPOS). This program is supported by the local government as a territorial economic development project and look after sustainable building and rehabilitation, energy production, mobility issue. Astus Construction aims to manage a couple of local actions of this program and is asked to support the companies involved in to these actions in order to create a local economical dynamic. Astus Construction is a local tool for building innovation with a national capacity.
Contact person: Myriam Olivier m.olivier@astus-construction.fr
STICHTING INSTITUUT VOOR STUDIE ENSTIMULERING VAN ONDERZOEK OP HETGEBIED VAN GEBOUWINSTALLATIES (ISSO) is the Dutch Knowledge Centre for the building and building services sector. ISSO is founded as a not for profit organization with the aim to coordinate research and organize knowledge transfer to the practitioners in the building and building services sector. ISSO is founded by the various professional associations in this sector. Since our start, this year 40 years ago, ISSO published more as 100 guidelines, publications and research reports. ISSO is also involved in the national, European (CEN) and international (ISO) standardization work in this field. ISSO publications are the basis for building service design and installation in the Netherlands. Some of our work is also published by similar organizations in other EU countries, this work was generally carried out with EU- support. ISSO plays an active role in the coordination work on the CEN standardization in the area of Energy for Buildings and Building systems, first as chair of a CEN Joint Working group on CENTC89,156,228 and 247 and later as Chair of the CEN BT TF173 coordinating the standardization work on the EPBD (Mandate M343). ISSO participates in several IEE and H2020 projects concerning BUILD UP Skills and Construction Skills.
Contact person: Jan Cromwijk j.cromwijk@isso.nl
Huygen (HIA) is with 55 employees (SME) one of the oldest (est. 1939), independent and leading SME consulting companies in the Netherlands. Its fields of expertise are: building services, building physics, sustainable building, ventilation, acoustics, energy, environment, indoor air quality, and fire regulations both in consulting in practice and in applied scientific research work. HIA’s clients are architects, building developers and contractors, energy agencies, local, national and international governments. HIA has a strong involvement with building practice as well as applied scientific research and is working on the cross section of buildings and installations. HIA has extended experience with integrated design approach integrated NZE renovation and re-use of buildings within national and international projects. Senior consultant Peter Op ‘t Veld was coordinator of several EU projects (such as the IEE IDES-EDU project, one of the pillars for PROF-TRAC) as well as national EOS long term research projects (Sustainable Community Development (TRANSEP-DGO), Sustainable Real estate Development after 2015 (DP2015) and INTEWON (individual information technology for sustainable housing) and TRECO: Towards Real energy performance and control). HIA has also extended experience in advanced ESCO concepts as well as experience in solving social economic constraints for NZEB projects. HIA is member and initiator of the EAC EURL3A project on establishing knowledge alliances between Academia and the business sector. HIA is currently coordinator of the H2020 projects MORE-CONNECT Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and smart CONNECTions (EE1-2014), PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles (EE4-2014) and MOBISTYLE MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based modular Information on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle (EE7-2016).
Contact person: Ana Tisov a.tisov@huygen.net
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www.rivc.eu |
Regional Innovation Management Centre (RIMC) is organization involved in innovation transfer activities, while utilizing best global practices in project management leading to transformative change in different organizations or economy sectors. It works with a number of business associations, innovation transfer centers, universities, governmental agencies and companies towards their better access to technologies and knowledge leading to their enhanced positions in different market segments or better performance of public policies. Its close relationships with a number of international and local innovation transfer organizations combined with in-house expertise allows it to enjoy a wide range of alternative options for collaborative projects leading to effective change. The organisation fosters capabilities of the companies to develop and implement innovations, accelerates commercialisation of achievements of advanced sciences, and helps to decrease the risk of innovation implementation through better access to finance. RIMC has implemented a number of cross-border innovation transfer projects in the area of cloud computing, BIM, and energy efficiency in buildings. RIMC was one of the leading partners in BUILD UP Skills Lithuania I project and the project leader in Build Up Skills ENERGOTRAIN HORIZON 2020 project aimed at development of demand driven certification and training schemes at national level in the area of energy efficiency in buildings.
Contact person: Mantas Jonauskis mantas@rivc.eu
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www.statybininkai.lt |
Lithuanian Builders Association (LBA), established in 1993, unites 151 accredited design, construction, building materials, producers, providers of heating systems for buildings, major vocational training, education and research institutions, other entities related to building sector. Therefore, LBA participation in the process will ensure smother alignment and implementation of the methodology at national level. Association also tightly cooperates with authorities and public institutions, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and other big and influential associations of building sector aiming to influence national and European legislation. From 2006 LBA is a member of European Construction Industry Federation. LBA is the leading construction business association represented in national qualifications related committees. LBA has a significant experience in assessing and developing qualifications of the sector as LBA has implemented a number of qualifications related projects. From 2005 to 2008 it implemented action “Development of competences and skills of human resources in Lithuanian building sector” financed by EU Structural funds aimed at training of 7000 construction sector employees. Together with partners from Lithuania, Belgium and Netherlands LBA implemented project “ECO-life” which aimed to propose rational solutions for modernization of multifamily houses and public buildings. In 2006 LBA, together with Lithuanian Construction Union, initiated Technology Platform of Lithuanian Construction sector, which aims at consensus building among business and research institutions for creating and applying new technologies, products and implementing various international innovation projects. Recently, LBA has established and managed working group for increasing energy efficiency (ENERG), which has drawn up regulations for cavity of plastered and ventilated facades of buildings, works on upgrading the catalogue of modernization of standard components, the working group is also improving program for building modernization. Importantly, the association runs a platform of technology descriptions for construction sector www.statybostaisykles.lt, it actively participated as a partner in Build Up Skills 1st and 2nd pillar projects, leading to creation of national certification scheme and training programmes.
Contact person: Vaidotas Sarka vaidotas.sarka@gmail.com
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www.five.es |
Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE) (engl.: Valencia Institute of building) is a private non-profit making foundation with public interest set up in October 1986, whose headquarter is in Valencia. IVE is a research institute that seeks to improve the quality and sustainability in the construction process through the R&D in the building field. IVE board includes professionals, developers, building contractors, end-users, in order to provide a platform for ideas exchange, developments and knowledge in the different fields of construction. During 30 years of its existence the institute has remained very active in the drafting of technical documents to support the pre-normative research of building process and to spread of all the aspects related to the quality and sustainability in the design, construction and use of buildings. As far as training is concerned, one of the key priorities of IVE is providing guidance and developing trainings on a harmonized way throughout the construction chain. IVE has become an important knowledge- and trainingcenter for the construction sector in our country (600 training hours and 4000 people a year). We work in close collaboration with Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, leaders of BUS Spanish projects; due to our close collaboration they are going to be included in our board of trustees next year. As far as energy efficiency is concerned, IVE has a wide experience in this field from different axis: -Continued collaboration with the regional government in the development of regulations related to construction sector and especially in the field of energy retrofitting. The last task developed has been a proposal for the Building Retrofit Plan for the Comunitat Valenciana, including an analysis of the most cost-efficient measures to improve the energy efficiency of the building stock. -Publication of documents recognized by the regional and national government to support the existing regulations. The «Constructive solutions catalogue for energy retrofitting of buildings» is one example. -Participation in European projects related to energy efficiency of existing buildings, for example, EPISCOPE Energy Performance Indicator Tracking Schemes for the Continuous Optimisation of Refurbishment Processes in European Housing Stocks (http://episcope.eu) REPUBLIC-MED Retrofitting public spaces in Intelligent mediterranean Cities (http://republic-med.eu/) or ELIH-MED Energy Efficiency of Low Income Housing in the Mediterranean (http://www.elih-med.eu/Layout/elih-med/).. -Dialogue with the different stakeholders related to building sector. IVE works together with public administrations, business associations, consumer associations, builders associations, architects associations, material manufacturers, product distributors … etc. IVE is the link between those who invest the money, those who design and market the products and those who develop the law.
Contact person: Miriam Navarro mnavarro@five.es
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www.mostostal.waw.pl |
Mostostal Warszawa S.A. (www.mostostal.waw.pl) is one of the largest construction companies in Poland with 70-years history rich in traditions. The company is active in all basic sectors of the construction market specializing in bridges and steel construction, public utility buildings, industrial components, environmental protection projects as well as roads and underground constructions. Company acts as a general contractor of investment projects and provides turnkey execution of construction assignments. Mostostal Warszawa S.A provides variety of across-the board services, ranging from execution of reinforced concrete and construction works, through delivery and erection of steel and structural elements to assembly of high pressure piping and boilers. Mostostal Warszawa S.A. has experience in building residential buildings and housing estates, office complexes and public utility buildings, production halls, warehouse facilities, as well as technological installations and steel structures for heavy industry. Mostostal Warszawa S.A. has its own Research and Development Department (R&D), whose members are experienced in performing and coordinating national and European projects within FP6, RFCS, FP7 and H2020. Mostostal Warszawa S.A. belongs to national and foreign industrial organizations: PPTB (Polish Construction Technology Platform) and ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform), and was engaged in foundation process of Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2B). Regarding quality control, Mostostal Warszawa was the first construction company in the country to obtain the Quality Assurance Certificate in 1996 and the entire capital group at the time (seven subsidiaries) was involved in the system. The company uses the Environmental Management System Certificate, compliant with DIN EN ISO 14001 (obtained for the first time in January 2000), as well as the Quality Assurance System Certificate according to NATO standardisation requirements, contained in AQAP 110 (obtained for the first time in April 2001). In 2011, Mostostal Warszawa implemented the OHS Management System according to PN-N-18001 requirements and the internationally acknowledged OHSAS 18001 standard. In 2013, the company obtained the Industrial Safety Certificate 1st degree. Thanks to this certificate, Mostostal Warszawa may take part in tenders related to access to secret information classified as CONFIDENTIAL independently and without limitations. The company also possesses an Integrated Management System that takes into account the following requirements: Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001:2008, Environmental Management System according to EN ISO 14001:2004, Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to PN-N-18001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007, certified by TÜV NORD, as well as Quality Assurance System according to AQAP 2110:2009, certified by Zak ad Systemów Jako ci i Zarz dzania. In 2009, the company implemented the Company Production Control regarding the production of mineral and asphalt mixtures according to PN-EN 13108-21:2008 requirements, certified in the Road and Bridge Research Institute.
Contact person: Piotr Dymarski P.Dymarski@mostostal.waw.pl
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www.ace-cae.eu |
The Architects’ Council of Europe is the European organisation representing the architectural profession at European level. Its headquarters and Secretariat are located in Brussels. Its membership currently consists of 43 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, and accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 565.000 architects from 31 countries in Europe. Taking into account the expected contribution of the building sector to the 2020 objectives and beyond, it is clear that the role of the architects is crucial, as they are expected to deliver new or retrofitted buildings that offer high-energy performance. The need for appropriate training of architects is substantial as the building sector is confronted with a constant evolution of building materials and technologies. Moreover, innovative approaches both regarding the planning and management of the construction process are necessary in order to reach nZEB standards. For the above reasons, the availability of information and of appropriate training materials is vital.
Contact person: Veronika Schropfer veronika.schropfer@ace-cae.eu