Carrousel swimming complex

Project presentation

  • Pilot Field Lab
  • Bourgogne Franche Comté, Dijon (FRANCE)
  • Revamp of a swimming pool and offices
  • Size: 2000 mapprox.
  • Deconstruction and new construction
 Predicted energy performance: 110kWh / m2year 


The Carrousel project consists in the revamp of a swimming pool, including office and service buildings, and the construction of new activity infrastructures. The client, the Dijon federation of municipalities, originated the request to implement the BIMplement process.


Different training have been performed for different stakeholders
– 1 session for the client : generic BIM knowledge, and explanations on how and why to use BIM on site
– 2.5 days sessions for the building companies : BIM process and BIM models, how and who will use BIM models and process on site, methods for implementation of the as-built model
– 1 day session for the property manager : links between property management and BIM models

Main results

The BIM manager appears to be one of the key stakeholder. If he does not feel concerned with involving building companies in the BIM process, then this process cannot be implemented on site.

Type of training BIM
Total number of companies involved 7
Total number of participants 26
White Collars 22
Blue Collars 4
Duration (days) 2.5


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